not been able to see where your shooting was odd, i disliked the limit for the top of the screen (there's space but you cant move into it to "avoid stuff" so its frustrating that you can see room to move into but limited, the bottom limit is fine, i agree with EcoPipe on the dull enemies, possible add in a damage bar with "lives" rather then one hit deaths, or if you dont want a bar add smoke that gets worse from the rear of the plane, again been able to see where the planes from behind are coming from would be nice otherwise you would force players to play in the middle of the screen or 1/3 in (like i was). different weapon types / upgrades and foes would greatly increase re playability.
The concept seems fun and awesome, but the enemies seem really dull. They don't shoot. They just ride their space-bikes right into the other enemies. They spawn sometimes right behind your back. That makes me a bit frusfrated, but the concept is fun. You should probably work a bit on the A.I. of the enemy bikers, so they would shoot and at least try to avoid death.