i think i love u
i think i love u
Immensely well designed game, both the levels in general but enemy patterns in particular. I am also very glad to see Calamaistr's music in more games, his tracks just instantly create an atmosphere.
Thank you!
I'm a big fan of Calamaistr as well, I'd say Nuclear Cathdedral is probably my favorite 8bit tune on NG.
Hey, Mr Creative
Just because you are clever enough to add an exclamation mark doesn't mean you're allowed to steal my title >=/
Im sorry but I had the name before i know it was on the portal.
Glad someone is trying. Definately lot's of style...
Thankyou :)
Is that all?
It´s gotta be more than that. Even if you ad more characters it won´t be so good. Try adding even more different things such as time-trial and points.
Maybe Iraqi birds could try to poop on Domo's head, and he has to wack them in the air before they do.
Seyda Neen
Joined on 4/1/02